Rise of the Drow: Campaign Primer
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 11:36:02 AM
Good morning, my friends!
Thomas Baumbach, our Rise of the Drow layout artist and developer, has a nice surprise for you.
Presenting the Rise of the Drow: Campaign Primer, free for all backers and preorder customers on the Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition Kickstarter project.
Welcome traveler!
This guide contains all the information a player needs to orient themselves to the Aventyr campaign setting and to the Rise of the Drow series of adventures, whether the game begins on the surface in Rybalka or in the Underworld.
The adventure focuses on thwarting a drow war of aggression, but the book itself contains the tools to run a sandbox-style campaign in the Underworld, particularly focused around Embla, Holoth, and the Fungi Forest.
Exploring the Underworld—itself a dangerous prospect—allows the GM to introduce any number of unique locations. To get the most out of a campaign of this style, your GM may decide to include optional resources to accompany this guide: Underworld Races & Classes, and Occult Secrets of the Underworld, but these books are not required to enjoy Rise of the Drow.
Included in the Rise of the Drow: Campaign Primer:
Pregenerated characters for 5th Edition and Pathfinder 1e
Map of Rybalka, Heart of the Frontier
Upperworld Races
Underworld Races
Underworld Cities
Deities of Aventyr
RotDCE Character Sheets
[RotDCE] Progress Report
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 07:18:04 PM
First off, I know some of you have been frustrated with the delays and lack of communication. All I can say is, we've had a wild ride. I personally apologize for the lack of communication and delays in progress. COVID did a number on many of our team members, especially those whose primary source of income is not tabletop RPGs (most of us). In a perfect world, you would already have this series in hand but this isn't a perfect world and we're not perfect people. We are, however, attempting to bring you the closest-to-perfect underdark book ever created and I hope you'll agree that we did when you hold this beauty in your hands.
Feast your eyes on this!
Feast your Eyes!
Here are some pictures of the advanced copy I recently received. I'll post a video flip-through soon so you can see just how slick this thing is. The paper and print quality, binding, ribbon bookmarks, foil, everything is of the highest quality available. I can't wait for you to hold one of these beasts in your hands and flip through the pages.
Progress Report
All Physical Rewards ship from Seattle, WA mid-August 2020 - We are shipping from Mox Boarding House (Card Kingdom) in Ballard, Seattle. If you want to pick up your book in person, please contact me on August 1st via Kickstarter messaging.
RotDCEPathfinder PoD print proofs have some errors so we are submitting new files and waiting on the printer to get us our proofs. Once they all check out, we'll send codes. They will likely be done with PF backers ordering and getting their PoD books close to the same time 5E backers receive theirs.
5E RotDCE for Fantasy Grounds - Rob2e is doing this conversion and if you know him, he's very prolific in the Fantasy Grounds community and does top-notch work. That said, he's working meticulously on this project and giving us no less than the very best. Rob just reported (minutes ago) to me via Discord that he is 85-90% of the way complete with this conversion! WOW! I'm so stoked to run this in FGU with my gaming group and I'm sure you feel the same. After completion, it must go through Smiteworks error-checking process then be scheduled for release on FG store and Steam which is when we will push it out to you!
PF RotDCE for Fantasy Grounds -- SmiteWorks is handling this internally and I don't have an update for you at the moment. As soon as I get a progress report from them, I'll post another update here.
Did I miss anything? Feel free to ask me any questions regarding fulfillment in the comments.
Jonathan G. Nelson
Video & Photos of Printing Process
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 05:58:27 AM
AAW Games is grateful for the hard work of the printing team in China who have struggled through tough times and come back to work resilient and determined to make Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition the best it can be.
More Photos! Binding Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 02:15:58 AM
Rise of the Drow: The Soundtrack
almost 5 years ago
– Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 04:16:28 PM
Rise of the Drow: The Soundtrack
AAW Games is proud to announce the release of Rise of the Drow: The Soundtrack, a joint project with Sonor Village. Ten tracks in three versions (mix, music, sound effects) matching specific locations and events in the Rise of the Drow: Collector's Edition storyline. $9.99 for a limited time!